On June 4th, 2008 four friends will set out on, what will no doubt be, an unforgettable journey, traveling from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon... by bicycle. What follows are what we refer to as "mile markers", thoughts, stories, pictures and whatever else comes along with a trip like this to mark out our trail as we go. The map below will show the route we will have traveled once we get on the bikes, for now it shows a general overview on what we expect our trip to look like. If anyone knows of any "must-sees" near our route or know of any places we can stay leave us a comment. No promises on a daily update, but hopefully we can update a couple times a week so that those back home can experience the journey along with us. You can also view our updated photo album online. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 1

So am I discouraged? Naw, disappointed is better word. Although we did okay for our first day, I was disappointed about my performance. Here I thought I was in shape, but today told me something different. I have a long way to go.

Last night we came up with a change of plans. We were supposed to pick Karla up at 7:30 at the Portland airport and then drive another 2 1/2 hours to Bar Harbor, but due to the high price of fuel and the making of a late night, we dicided to start our trip from Portland, Maine. On the upside we cut out 2 days of biking, but on the downside, we aren't going to get a chance to get in shape before the mountains.
Unfortunately, Portland, Maine has some terrible beaches! We had to resort to a bay, which was disappointing. The water was so nasty that we didn't even get to dip our tires in the Atlantic. Close enough though...

The weather today was down right miserable: 50-60 degrees in light rain and mist. Might as well break us in the hard way. We started at 8:30 and rode 44 miles. I was hoping for 50 but because we (I) were just a bit too weak. Our biggest problem was food. Idealy we would like to bike for several hours in the morning and then stop for a couple hour food break and rest. Today we had no bread to go with our PB&J, and the weather was just too nasty to stop along the side of the road. I think we could have done much better with a little more leg fuel.

So tonight we stopped at a neat little hostile/campsite/dairy farm/organic store/knitting store///... Fortunately it gave us a chance to get out of the rain, make a good meal and use a little internet. Time for some sleep.


AJR said...

Oh dude, you guys will be hitting the mountains like right away. Yup, trial by fire. I'm sorry the weather was so crappy. It appears you are getting the same weather we got:-) Keep the updates coming!


Colin said...

Yeah! You'll be cruising easy in no time so don't even worry about how you feel now. Just enjoy it!
-Colin (Bruce's friend, currently living in Afghanistan.)

One of the Bontragers said...

Hey Colin, we too are Bruce's friends living in Afghanistan! Bon Courage Brucie, I am sure it will get easier in a week or two.
Sari (& Steve)

Anonymous said...

Hi Evie, we are working- but sounds like you're working harder. We ordered Fox's today- wish you were here for a wedgie- you probably have the other kind already- miss you and thinking of you alot. Keep your head into the wind- be careful.Love Jody and everybody on 5 east.

Anonymous said...

Hey pal, if you want, we can send Les out to ride with you for a day! That will either slow your pace considerably or help you realize that you're doing better than you think when you look back and see how far back he is.

Just keep your eye on the prize and keep pedaling.

Anonymous said...

Have you cranked the Kank yet? I keep thinking about you guys, wishing I could see exactly where you are, being extremely jealous of the adventures you are surely having. Not easy, but oh, so amazing! Yep, keep the updates coming!

Anonymous said...

Jason from EMS (Rochester, NY). I found your blog and thought I would say hi! Man...those black flies really got you all good! Well, if you would like a pen-pale during your trip I would love to hear how things are going. You can email if you would like: jasonjhammel@gmail.com
If not...take care and safe riding!

Anonymous said...

That Jason Yoder assured me that none of the three notes I sent would have gone through, so I'm trying again. We are praying for you at New Beginnings Fellowship. May the Lord be with you in every phase of your "Looooong" journey.
Ed Wilson