At the start of this trip if you would have asked me which states I was looking forward to the most, South Dakota would have been close to the bottom of the list. I imagined barren wastelands and lots of headwinds. South Dakota has been fairly empty, we'll drive for miles between towns with no signs of houses anywhere, however it has been absolutely gorgeous and by far my favorite state so far in our trip. We've been getting on our bikes just before sunrise every morning, usually around 5 am, and have seen some beautiful sunrises. For me, those mornings have been my favorite part of the trip. It's been funny to see how different life is out here though. We'll see a "town" coming up on our map and as we approach the sign welcoming us to it the population will only be 60 or 70. We took a break at one of these "towns" population 67 and turned down "Main Street" which was a dirt road. Felt kinda strange. Though it seems to be a peaceful way of life. Everyone here is really friendly and helpful.
South Dakota has also brought other suprises. We knew going into this trip that we wanted to top 100 miles at least once in this trip, and try to beat Sheldon and Sheilas record of 112 miles in a day. However, I was not expecting a day like Monday. We woke up early and got on the bikes knowing that in front of us was a whole lot of nothing. Alot of beautiful scenery, but other then that not many towns, and certainly not many campgrounds. We hit 90 miles by 3 and were in a little town, White River, that had a campground but seemed a bit sketchy. So we made the decision to keep going and see how far we could get. At 114 miles we hit another "town" that had a city park, but looked even less promising. So we made the decision to head for Interior, SD right at the entrance to The Badlands. All that was between us and Interior was an Indian Reservation so we knew it would be all or nothing. Around 9:30, as it started to get dark, we realized that what we were attempting was probably our stupidest idea on the trip so far. The night before me and Bruce had talked about riding that far and at that point is was "the macho thing to do." "Can you believe what people's reaction would be if we said we rode 160 miles in one day?!" However, those thoughts of inflated chests where long gone. Around 11 our legs were starting to give out on us and mentally we were all about to tank. We didnt know what to do because we were still 25 miles away. Bruce wanted to just throw a tent in a field along the road but me and Evie weren't keen on that idea. So we kept pushing. We could only go about 20 minutes before one of us would need to stop to eat or rest their legs so it was an extremely long and agonizing process.
Finally we saw the sign were we turned north to head up to town, still another 14 miles away. Their had been a slight south wind most of the night and as we were coming up to our turn Bruce said "now if only that wind would pick up to about 30 mph." And as almost as soon as the words came out of his mouth the wind suddenly started to get stronger. Not 30 mph stronger but a noticeable change. And as we turned to head north and felt the wind to our backs we all suddenly got a new wave of energy. It was amazing the change in our perspective. And speed for that matter. Whereas before we were struggling to go 7-10 mph we were suddenly easily going 15. And then we headed downhill. Downhill for a long time. Between the wind and the terrain I was able to coast at +30 mph for over 2 miles. It was amazing. I remember coasting up beside Bruce and just laughing. Laughing as opposed to 30 minutes ago about to break down emotionally. It was amazing. We ended up pulling into our camp around 1 am central time, which was the time zone we left in, but only midnight in the current mountain time zone. So we were on the bikes from 5 am til 1 am. Never again!
And to bring a laugh to the end of our night, as we pulled up at what we thought would be our camp (ended up being a couple miles short yet) I found Evie laughing. Apparently as she was zooming along in the dark (though we did have headlamps and tail lights) a bird flew right into her and smacked her in the face. Poor Evie. Had to tag along with our macho male egos driving us into insanity and then gets smacked in the face by a bird. No harm to her face though, she seemed to be fine.
I'm happy to be able to say that we did 167 mile in one day now in retrospect, but never again will I attempt that. I have a feeling I might have to keep reminding Bruce how miserable we were in order to keep him from wanting to try something like that again.
It is quite obvious that you weren't joking when you said "the voice of reason" left with Karla!!! Come on guys, we are praying but don't wear us out completely in that department, we do have other things to do now and then!!!!!!! I can't even go to the "what ifs" that Moms think up!! Come on Evie, speak up and HELP!!! We do miss you guys and are glad you are "enjoying" your adventure. Pedal on ...MomE
Way to go Bruce show um what you are made of! We look at your blog all the time up here in the north. We're praying for you guys. Have a great trip.
167 miles!? You guys are absolutely insane! We're in Gillette, WY. Perhaps we'll see you soon. -Tristan
Well now 80-90 miles in a day should seem like child's play, eh? =) You guys are something else. Evie, you gotta put your foot down. Or...errr...your pedal.
Shawn, your beard...there are no words. Mmm.
You guys are ridiculous! 167 miles?? Are you sure your legs are still there? Me and Kim are doing our...5 miles...and think we're something else. :)
Shawn, we're heading out to see your woman. Be jealous. :)
Love you all. Be safe.
I can respect a number like 167.
wow I can't believe you guys biked that long! that is incredible! I bet you guys were whooped. I have been thinking about you guys and wondered how far along you were in SD. I am praying for you guys! Enjoy your week!
Wow! I'm impressed with 167 miles. That makes Sheldon and Sheila's record seem rather pitiful in comparison (haha). I'm glad to hear that you were laughing, Evie, after the bird hit you in the face....I don't know if I would be laughing if it were me!
Wow! You all are amazing! I just came in from my 23 mile ride, and I cant't imagine what another 144 miles would feel like! I must say, I have alot more respect for what you all are doing. You are making me proud! DAD
Hey...good to hear you made it to the West! We were curious when you would be in Yellowstone. I thought you would be there while I was in Alaska, but we are back and, depending on when it is, may be able to take a trip to see you and the park.
Hope all is well!
Josh M
I will add Wow just like everyone else!! 167 miles!! NOt sure if I should call 911 or bow and say- I am not worthy. I didnt see any pics of Mt Rushmore- hope you saw it! Just got back from Niagara falls! You're right its beautiful.
We are all missing you at work....Hope to have you back soon. Enjoy the beauty of the mountians ahead.\Jody and 5 East gang.
Poor Evie...I'm sorry you were hit by a bird. Did you get it's license plate number?
And you guys so rock biking that 167 miles.
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