On June 4th, 2008 four friends will set out on, what will no doubt be, an unforgettable journey, traveling from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon... by bicycle. What follows are what we refer to as "mile markers", thoughts, stories, pictures and whatever else comes along with a trip like this to mark out our trail as we go. The map below will show the route we will have traveled once we get on the bikes, for now it shows a general overview on what we expect our trip to look like. If anyone knows of any "must-sees" near our route or know of any places we can stay leave us a comment. No promises on a daily update, but hopefully we can update a couple times a week so that those back home can experience the journey along with us. You can also view our updated photo album online. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Monday, June 16, 2008

another storm

We are currently in Fair Haven, NY waiting out another storm i suppose. The weather up here is weird. But at least we have escaped the bugs for the most part! Thank you all for your comments-its good to hear from you! Yesterday was our day off, we spent it at a campsite off the shore of Lake Ontario. Bruce and Shawn would not get on the bike at all and even walked twice to the ice cream place a mile away from our campsite. Karla and I on the other hand were loving biking w/out our load so we went into town 5 miles away and I was able to go to church:) Last night we had our first theft as two little racoons got our apples, bananas, and bread from our bear bag! But at least they didn't get our cereal and milk for breakfast.

The hills of New York are quite more enjoyable for me than the mountains were, and I am beginning to enjoy my time on the bike more. Drafting Bruce and Shawn helps:) Today we were just a flying and realized we had missed our turn 5 miles back so we had to backtrack. Even so w/ all of that we have rode 50 miles today and are planning on another 2o. Well we better go while the sun is out and there is no more thunder!


Joel_Anita said...

Hey all! We just heard about your bike trip from Keith & Anita...we saw them here in PA on Saturday. We hope you have tons of fun...looks like quite the undertaking! May God bless you a lot! Joel, Anita, and Ariana Zeiset

Anonymous said...

evie you rock! just don't break any more of those spokes!


Anonymous said...

Jason from EMS (Rochester, NY). I found your blog and thought I would say hi! Man...those black flies really got you all good! Well, if you would like a penpal during your trip I would love to hear how things are going. You can email if you would like: jasonjhammel@gmail.com
If not...take care and safe riding!

Anonymous said...

Hey Evie and Gang!
Wow, it sounds like you guys are having some adventures. I love reading your posts. Keep them coming! Let me know when you all are close to Plain City. You have a place to stay too if you need it:) God Bless and keep safe!


Anonymous said...

EVIE! hi my dear, I would nurse those bug bites for you if I was there to take care of you. You're trip so far is very impressive! Take courage and keep pedaling! I know you can do it!

p.s. my horse died today (we think of a heart attack). my fam is pretty bummed about it.


uncle jeff said...

I just got back this morning from Newark, NY. I didn't realize you were going to be so close! I should have called you. We were on a missions trip with our youth group. We were in Niagara Falls yesterday. Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you, guys, having an MSF-experienced log with you! Karla the bike-doc - well done! Hope your weather gets better now. Here in Munich it's finally become really sunny and warm and everybody talks soccer all day long - it's great!